Monday, July 04, 2005

Choreographing suicide acts thru emotional overdose

People are sensitive creatures but not to everything. Varying intensities and level of stimuli are just part of the big equation that equate to "diversity". Its pretty evident. Just take a look at how we typecast people. Musicians and poets are often deemed emotionally-sensitive as compared to scientists and engineers who are more atuned to numbers and graphs. But if you think about it, arent scientists and engineers equally passionate to their field of work as musicians? Arent they equally sensitive to how a certain degree of change can affect the way the world revolves? If you rob them of their passion, wouldnt they be affected emotionally?

Regardless of how expressionless we can try to be, emotions can never be shut out. No matter how hard i try to act nonchalant in front of a mega-star-strike babe, i can never throw the gate shut against the immense flood of emotions within me. And the mind chatter begins to rumble like a fusilade, going non stop in my head.... "oh cmon, no big deal wat. its juz another girl with big beautiful eyes, slim and big deal....", "Must be a super materialistic cha bor.....aiyah surely have bf liao la.....haha im like a laughing biscuit (笑柄) in front of her...", "aiyah be natural la no big deal la just be urself la....", "u think ppl will look at u meh relax la be urself..." and the royal rumble ensues and creeps into round 2, 3, 4.....till i get stumped by something to put my mind off mega-star-babe. And when i start thanking the saviour of the situation, he begins filling me in with details of how chic and hot mega-star-babe is and ends up being star-struck himself and then i lose respect for the so-called saviour. Cos by then we both would be struggling to get out of royal rumble or perhaps get tagged out of the ring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha... She really is so li hai arhs, ahahaha. guai zhang lei..=P
so using yr "farthest" trick din work either lorz. hahaha

1:33 AM  

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