Friday, December 03, 2004

Breaking Silence: A speech for people like me

I cannot imagine a world with no music, no sound. Its a neccesity for sanity checks. Music can sculpture an atmosphere for us to relax, vent out latent frustration and design moods for the right occasion. A bus ride to school can be such a painfully long journey but it is cut short with a muvo in hand. Cycling can be draining but it has become a breeze when the music's on. A horror flick may not be as horrifying without the screaming. A marriage proposal may not be heart-moving enough without serenading a sappy love song.
As a proud representative of the "Not-young-anymore-but-single-still" organisation, I would like to propose the idea that music is a very useful tool when it comes to healing that lonely feeling. Also, being the president of the "22 yrs of singlehood & on-going" club, on behalf of my members, I would like to share with you the various effective methods of music therapy.
1) Throw away your collection of CDs. Delete your MP3s. (Only applies if you are not an emo-listener)
2) Start understanding a thing or two about love. "Taking back Sunday" & "My Chemical Romance" are great starters.
Here are some acts of sacrifice for love:
"you could slit my throat And with my one last gasping breath I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt"-- by TBS
"And I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling. And as the fragments of my skull begin to fallFall on your tongue like pixie dust just think happy thoughts"-- by MCR
(Only applies if you are registered to "22 yrs of singlehood & on-going" club" cos love is a Bloody myth that will continue to puzzle us all)

3) Shut off your radio. Love songs are not meant to be commercialised.

4) When you are feeling real down after getting rejected the 1001th time, don't fret. Just recite the glorious anthem, "Girls are FXXX-ing Evil" courtesy of The Ataris.

5) Face the poster of your favourite pin-up girl, meditate and pray. Chant <23> by Jimmy Eat World. Do this 3 times a day after meals or you may experience certain side effects like lost of appetite.

6) When staring dumbly at the girl you like doesnt do any good, sing "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional. Date her out and act your own version of MTV for that song.

7) Cancel your subscription to self-help magazines and sign up to Kerrang! for live updates on newly discovered therapies & methods.

These are just some tips on how to remedy our pathetic and lonely lives. To be a patriot of the "22 yrs of singlehood & on-going" club or the "Not-young-anymore-but-single-still" organisation, simply register online @ . Group discussion and therapies will be conducted weekly. So make a difference and put an end to loneliness,

Register NOW!


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