Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Park Life or Parked life?

No, i was joking about discovery channel. But there was undoubtedly, a discovery made in the vicinity of my neighbourhood.
How many people actually question things like "why is Tampines called Tampines?"Such questions only cause rude stares and uncontrollable convulsions from your dear friends and family members. Hmm or maybe not so dramatic. LOL
However one brave soul did the ludicrous thing which led to an amazing discovery! Now, lets focus on this bold deed.

Action taken: Our Hero asked, "Why is Fort Road called Fort Road huh?"
Crowd Reaction: Rude stares, violent vomitting, uncontrollable convulsion
Heaven decided to help a little...
"There shall be a dry spell over this ever-so boring island!"
And Our Hero uncovered the truth about the significance of Fort Road!

For doubts on above story, please refer to any reliable news sources. (You can click on the previous blog title:Parklife)

So you see, its quite a brave thing to ask stupid questions. After all, nobody really cares what you asked after a day or two. But then again, not everyone is as "gifted" as me. So there is still a risk. Who knows your friend was once on "Singapore's Brainiest kids", answering all the questions on his ultra terra-byte memory chip. Such a fate will only cause a catastrophe to mankind-widespread uncontrollable convulsion for ages.

With this discovery, National Park Board will have so much more work to do. Imagine 1.3 million islanders paying pilgrimage to the sacred Tanjong Katong Park. No one would have imagined something so exciting could actually happen on this ever-summer island.

However, I was deeply disappointed when i paid my visit to the sacred place. There was hardly any soul. Only makeshift tentage to shelter the digging sites. And so the smiles stay on NPB. No sweat nor hussle at all.
Actually the sites were nothing spectacular. But it was rather amazing how close the fort was to the ground surface. You could even touch it if you were not as law-abidding as me. Tell me if you do though and i will add you to my personal hall of fame.
Seriously speaking, the significance of this discovery means a great deal. People visit Tanjong Katong Park every day to walk their dogs, play at the playground (its actually a miny SOC), jog, stroll, creating moods for procreation. There is so much national education in this park! To top the list, Tanjong Katong Park is one of the oldest park in Singapore! *GASP!* Imagine patriots declaring their love for the country by seeking recreation in the park; going perfectly in line with the government's policy of increasing birth rates. All these is done with a fort beneath their feet. So much emotional attachment. So much patriotism.
This is a classic example of daring to ask stupid questions. If it wasnt for our dear Hero, there wouldnt have been so talk about. So stop living a parked life. A life where you park and stay fixed not daring to break conventions. Lets all start asking stupid questions. Give it up for our national hero for bringing meaning to our park lives.


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