Tuesday, November 16, 2004

When Cavanaugh park comes to life

The exams may be ending in 2 days time. I may already be in "holiday mood". But the nocturnal bug is still omnipresent. I just cant seem to sleep early. Excuses for waking up late? Probably.

And so it was. Today's record wasnt as outstanding as sunday. A humble record @ 1130am.

Cycled down to Swee Lee's. Bought some guitar strings. Thanks to RH. DUH!
The sales assistant was a tad too "friendly" and "enthusiastic" when he started playing the display guitars. Whipping out familiar tunes that Yamaha scholars swear by and explaining the pitch, acoustics of the wood piece. So much effort just for a miserable purchase of 5 lousy strings. All i asked for was which strings i should get for my brandless piece of guitar and i got more than what i wanted.He has earned his "best employee of the year"; no doubt.

And once again, Mr Weather played his cards right. I was stuck in the darn building. It rained a good half an hour. Monsoon season; yes, we have to thank this wonderful phenomenon just so that Singapore's ever-summer climate wont be so boring.

Somehow when im alone its either home or ECP that i would eventually go to. No i dont scorn the feeling of independency. I adore it. What more can you ask for? Without someone to talk to. Without someone to voice his/her opinion. Without someone to share thoughts with. All these is made possible only because im alone.

The raindrops were still pelting down as i peddled down the park. Listening to my muvo and taking in the sights and enjoying "independency" seemed such a splendid experience. Its like viewing a movie in 3-D ALONE! Guess the school hols has begun since there were so many young kids around. (NOTE: If there's one thing u want to do that is exciting,cheap and calorie-burning, just cycle down ECP on a Sunday evening \m/ )

Am i chasing my childhood dreams down memory lane? Cos all these kids just made me feel so envious. I missed those days when rounders, block-catching, dragon-playground catching, tarzon-swings were all the rage. Guess things has taken a turn towards virtual-reality for these kids. I mean what more fun can there be when you can be welding a sub-machine gun or sniper rifle; gunning down your friends and blowing each other's head off? So much for excitement.

I decided not to hit the waters after all its still raining and obviously it was close to zelch knots. And so i went all the way down to NSC. Woah, i couldnt believe the collection of sails and boards the national team has. I guess SSC is really promoting windsurfing more aggressively these days. The number of sails over there is large enough to form a rental corner already. *hiakz*

Dropped by at Bedok Jetty. It was genocide over there. An onslaught. Anglers were pulling out fishes from the sea like nobody's business. If fishing rods had torques like engines do, i guess their rpm is considerable to fit a jet plane. But of course, there was this cute couple who release the poor lives back into the sea after catching them. That must be the most sadistic thing to do cos who knows they might have caught the same fish twice,thrice or more and let it back into the ocean again. I guess poor nemo would have chosen death in the very beginning.

And so there you have it. Cavanaugh Park, Singapore style. And yes, SOCO's "hurricane" was played on my muvo when it was raining. How sick can that be, aint that right Mr Weather? GRRR...


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